„The most common way people give up their power, is by thinking they don`t have any.“ (Alice Walker)

Die Disproportionalität meiner Frauenfigur – in verschiedenen Positionen – thematisiert die Ungleichheit der Machtverhältnisse in unserer Gesellschaft. Aus Ungleichheit resultiert Ungleichgewicht. Wie stark wir dieses Ungleichgewicht wahrnehmen, hängt ab von unserem Geschlecht, unserer sozialen Position, unseren Privilegien, unserer Marginalisierung. Mein balance-project ist der Versuch einer Verortung in einem System, in dem der Kampf um Macht und Hierarchie allgegenwärtig ist.
Wem gestehe ich Macht – durch meine Stimme, mein Verhalten – zu?

„But what is power? In and of itself, power is morally neutral. There`s nothing that says it is good, there`s nothing that says it is bad. Electricity can light your lamp or it can burn down your house; and so it is with human power. And power over yourself is different from power over others. Nor – supposing you have some power to act – can you always know the end results of your actions. Causes often have unforeseen effects. To quote Samuel Beckett: “That`s how it is on this bitch of an earth.” Once you acquire power – I`m assuming that you will acquire some because I am such a screaming optimist – I trust that you will use it well, Or as well as possible, under the circumstances.“ (Margaret Atwood – burning questions)